Life of a Healerite: WTF moment!


True story...

A few days back, me and a few of my colleagues decided to head to the rooftop of our office building, to take pictures in snow. And one of my colleagues who's afraid of heights & who I really barely know, kept talking non-stop about his fear of was just the two of us there.. others were slightly ahead, taking pictures & playing with snow.. And I said, 'I like high places.. Where I can see people but..." and I literally had to stop myself..! All I could manage was, 'Ah, nevermind, so I like high places, basically, like rooftops and such....!'   I could see him giving me a blank, almost a Bongsookie-WTF expression.. But I just couldn't keep a straight face, I kept suppressing my laughter!! And I felt awesome, I'd just quoted Seo Jung-hoo for god's sake!!   

Btw, I do love rooftops, even more now~!  
